Congrats Winners!

As you guys know, we ended the month with quite a few giveaways. This post is solely to congratulate these lucky suckers. 🙂

Of our David Estes Author Spotlight

1) One ebook copy of The Moon Dwellers– Congrats Julie S.!

2) One ebook copy of Fire Country– Congratulations Jessica!

Of The Damaged Blog Tour

1) One ebook copy of Damaged by H.M. Ward- Once again, congrats to Julie S.!

Of the Book of the Month Giveaway

1) One hardcover copy of The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa- Tamara congrats!

All winners have been notified. Thank you to all who entered and I should have another great giveaway coming up soon. 🙂

ARC Review: The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa

The Eternity Cure Title: The Eternity Cure (The Blood of Eden #2)

Author: Julie Kagawa

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars

Blurb: Allison Sekemoto has vowed to rescue her creator, Kanin, who is being held hostage and tortured by the psychotic vampire Sarren. The call of blood leads her back to the beginning—New Covington and the Fringe, and a vampire prince who wants her dead yet may become her wary ally.

Even as Allie faces shocking revelations and heartbreak like she’s never known, a new strain of the Red Lung virus that decimated humanity is rising to threaten human and vampire alike.

My Review: Buzz, buzz, buzz… This book has been generating such a buzz. Well bees, I get it ok? This book was amazing. I get what all the hype is about and yes, I’ve joined the ‘everyone read The Eternity Cure because it’s pure awesomeness’ train.

The Eternity Cure is a novel that is very easy to fall in love with. The novel itself with its plot twists, action, suspense, badassedness and yes, it’s romance make for an all consuming read. So imagine everything you enjoyed in The Immortal Rules with a better story line and amazing character development. I loved how dark this novel is and the development and complexity of the relationships.

As for characters: Alison is amazing. She continues to deal with the struggle of monster vs. humanity and I love how realistic it is. She is strong physically, morally and emotionally and it was awesome to see her prevail when these strengths were tested. Zeke, OMG Zeke! Yep, he’s back. He is such a heart throb and I cannot even describe how ecstatic I was to have him be a part of this novel and getting to know him better. Eden changed him for the better and we find him in full suitor mode. Jackal plays a big part in the storyline and boy was I holding a grudge against him from The Immortal Rules. But that couldn’t last forever I guess. He continues to be self motivated and clearly using Alison, but he’s funny and the suspense of never knowing how trustworthy he is helped keep me on the edge of my seat. Kanin continues to be awesome. In this novel we get to know him in weakness, kindness, anger and strength. And last but not least Stick. Boy did he piss me off. He’s a total tool. Well, he is. The thing though that pissed me off the most about him was Alison’s inability to truly see him for what he is and not who he was.

The Eternity Cure is a complete rollercoaster ride. From laughter and tears, to excitement and suspense. I never knew what to expect and loved every single word of it. This book is definitely one I recommend and 100% worth the buzz.

*I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

Giveaway: Have you entered the ongoing giveaway for The Eternity Cure? If you haven’t, you have until the end of the month to enter this Rafflecopter giveaway. Goodluck!

Update: Winners, Giveaways & Life

Hey guys! I apologize for my radio silence as of late, my life has been a little hectic. So I have a lot of catching up to do!

First order of business, two lucky gals entered and won our Cindy C. Bennett Author Spotlight Giveaways. The first, an ebook copy of Geek Girl was won by Cassandra. The second, an ebook copy of Immortal Mine was won by Martha. Congrats to you both! I will be in touch with the author and you should be receiving your prizes soon.

Second, I did promise an BotM Giveaway for April. Well, I had no clue what to giveaway, sorry for my delay. That crux was resolved, as I just read a book that I thoroughly enjoyed The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa. It was amazing and a review should be up within a couple of days. The giveaway will be available in both Hardcover and ebook and yes that includes international. I’ve just discovered the awesomeness that is the Book Depository and if they ship in the winner’s area (country) then that format (hardcover) will be available to said winner. To enter this Rafflecopter Giveaway, Click Here Good luck!